Everyone does use washing machine, as it helps us lighten our cores a bit particularly in doing the laundry. Washing machines are traditionally bulky. However, with the space problem that is starting to occur in many major cities worldwide, minimalistic designs have come out and the Almighty Laundry would probably be hailed as the sexiest washing machine of all time. However, the sad thing is that, the Almighty Laundry is design for busy bachelors. Sorry girls, but this sexy washing machine comes only with a rack for shirts and a separate rack for boxer shorts and socks.

The washing machine’s slim design made it a perfect appliance for bachelors living in homes with very limited space. What made this washing machine almighty awesome is the men’s ability to do their laundry with ease. All they have to do is to hang in their dirty shirts and other stuffs on the hanging frame and underwear rack, and push the start button to start the machine working. When the machine is done, men’s only have to pull the hanging frame out and spread to dry. Wish there is a design for dresses too. I definitely would love to get one. The almighty laundry is designed by Won Suk Lee and is an entry for the 2011 Spark Awards.