Saturday, October 9, 2010

Table Transformed From A Picture Frame

Verena Lang the designer of this smart picture framehad an original idea when she made this product. Hanging on the wall, it looks as if you are displaying a beautiful photograph in a unique picture frame. As the diagonal bar is opened up, we instantly are provided with a nice and sturdy table. Because the picture is showed underneath while in a table manner, your picture won’t be hurt when the foldable table will be unfolded. So if you have little space in your home, you can have a pice of art on the wall to impress your visitors, and also a table when you are just by yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. I assume that We will also stick photo on the wall and set table at corner of the room. So Photo also get the support of the fordable table. Really fascinate idea. I can't wait to make it a soon as.
    shabby chic furniture
